Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shattered pieces in Dark places

Shattered into a million pieces
Left all over the place; scattered around uselessly
No one to help; no one to even lend a broom
Forced to suffer, alone in the dark
The strange abyss; where the darkest emotions sit
No light; the only sounds are tears hitting the floor
Once upon a time; he could pull her from this place
But no he's the very reason she's here
Kicking her further and further down
With every lie that seeps from his lips
Even with every truth he utters; she breaks further
Love used to be her answer; but now... love is destroying her
From the inside, out; as she coughs up more shattered pieces of herself
Watching them reflect her image back to herself; like spiderweb cracks in a mirror
He smiles; that same sinister smile that pulled her in
There is no breaking free of this place
Because his "love" keeps her here
To forever spew pieces of herself across the dark dingy floor
Left to be forgotten by everyone else
She has to find herself to find the light
She has to find her own strength; only then will she be set free
No longer to suffer the eternity of the dark abyss; or of his sinister smile
For she is strong, beautiful, and worth so much more
That is the key
It has always been the key...
And a beautiful key she is; and always will be