Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Game Weakens

It is a beast that renders my body useless. It enters my cells, deleting them one by one. My very existence is depleting.The weakness is coming, My body is losing strength. 
Do I have a chance of fighting it. Who knows? Time and fate have not been pleasant to me across the years. Clearly you see that, since I am where I am today. I loved with every facet of my being, yet you still do not care. What could I have done, to make you see that you are hurting me.
I feel like I am sinking far into the depths of the sea, to be lost and never found again. Like an old pocket mirror a little girl has misplaced. The wish for you to pull me out, has slowly faded like an old photograph. I don't want your hands to touch me, I no longer want your help.
You only help when its convenient for you, and that
 I do not respect. You spread your disease and lies like its butter, pretending that it scars no one as you go. You've damaged my heart, my soul, and my body. Then threw it away like used goods.
I cannot be weak, and I can no longer allow myself to fall into your arms. I need to be strong, and walk away. No matter how good those minimal good times could've been or were. I have to release the chains that attatch me to you, in order to save myself.
No longer do I want to fall like raindrops do on a sidewalk. I no longer want to cry, leaving wet stains of my despair on my pillowcase. Your face can no longer stain my memory like spilled paint on a carpet. So please, leave my life and do not return, disappear like a rabbit in a magician's hat. I can no longer play your game.

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