Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Light

The bitter cold chills the tips of her fingers in to a tingling numbness
Here, waiting deep inside the depths of her mind;
It is empty and lonely; dark and frigid
She longs to be freed; by the shining white light
That could only be her truelove
But his cold piercing eyes keep her chained here
In the deep dark depths; the eternal abyss
His feigned "love" and care keeps her here
Longing for his feigned "love" and tender touch
She longs to be free; but also longs to stay
Leaving is uncertain; but staying here at least she has him
But is the vast loneliness she feels really worth all of that?
She is worth more, so much more; if only she knew it
Only then will there be freedom, from him; from this place
The light is her; and it always has been

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