Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Line That Divides Us

Theres is the thin line. The one that divides up every single day. I can see it, but somehow you cannot. Everyday we are together the line grows bolder.
The line between me and her. The line you continue to hopscotch back and forth over. Between what you had, and what you've got. The inability to decide which side you belong to.
You say that the love is strong, as strong as the sun on a hot summer day. Yet you continue to leave, for the dark clouds of snow. The blizzard's that blind you to the real thing, that covers the line. So that you can no longer see where to cross.
She still your heart with the ice in her eyes, and on her fingertips. So now you can no longer move in my direction. She freezes you feet to the ground with her words, making you believe every single one. 
The power of my
 sun is dimming, and I cannot seem to free you from the ice. The power dims as my heart breaks, and it is breaking fast. I have lost the power to be strong, but I have not lost my will. My will is as strong as a might oak tree. Isn't that what they say? That your will is the strongest thing you have.
I keep trying to free you, from the eternal coldness, the constant veiled vision, and the slow dying heartbeat. Yet you remain, on the other side of the line. Away from warmth, and true eternal love, that will never grow cold. Where your heart will beat, faster than any drum, where your eyes will shine brighter than any star.
The day that you see that I have melted the ice, and cleared the cold, bitter snow that covers the line. I will try my hardest to warm your heart back up to me, and unfreeze you feet. Because my will and my love is stronger than any blizzard. Nothing will stop me from saving you, and keeping you safe with me. Right where you belong.

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